Route 9: In search of Springs
That the traveller understands the concept of aquifer as an element of water resource capture, storage and transmission.
The main objective of this adventure is to get to know some of the most outstanding water births in the north of the province of Alicante. Thanks to an almost circular route, the traveller will understand the concept of aquifer as an element of water resource capture, storage and transmission.
With this mission we will depart from the town of Muro de Alcoy, in the northeast end of the route, and we will visit the springs of the headwaters of the Agres river. We will advance westwards along the northern face of the Mariola mountain range to Banyeres de Mariola, where we will be able to stroll along the source of the Vinalopó river. Afterwards, we will head eastwards again, between the Mariola carbonated massifs to the north and the Menechaor mountain range to the south, to enjoy the wildest and most rugged stretch of the Polop river in the area of Sant Bonaventura-Canalons, the spectacular waterfall of El Salt de Alcoy and end with a visit to the historical spring of El Molinar in the La Batalla ravine, where during the times when water circulates we may want a refreshing bath.
This simple 56 km route focuses on the mountain ranges of Mariola (aquifers of Cabranta, Agres, Pinar de Camús and Salt-San Cristóbal) and El Menechaor (aquifer of Barrancones), and on the most important springs that drain the aquifers of these mountain ranges.
The following routes are not included in the total route, which are recommended on foot:
- Itinerary along the Agres River.
- Optional itinerary on foot (2 km round-trip) from the San Antonio hermitage to the pilasters of the old iron bridge of the railway track: estimated time 40 min
- La Fuente de La Burra: Mandatory access on foot. 700 m round-trip (30 min)
- Springs of the source of the Vinalopó river: Walking route through the springs. 2.8 km, 1.2 hours
- Microroute “El Salt y Bonaventura-Canalons”: 5 km (round-trip, 2h).
- Itinerary of the El Molinar spring: 0.8 km (round-trip, 35 min).
Highlighted Places of Hydrogeological Interest
The spring of Molinar
Possibly, the spring or Font del Molinar, located 2 km south of the city of Alcoy, is one of the most emblematic places in the province for its environmental interest and for being a place very appreciated by nature lovers, if only to observe in wet periods the spectacular waterfall that is formed when the river course carries plenty of water. Waters that, after their surface runoff, contribute to the creation of the Molinar River.
But to this environmental value must be added what has been implied over the years by the waters of the Font in the development of the region of Alcoy, for example in urban supply, irrigation, in the industry of the region (paper, flour and textiles…).
Other places of Hydrological Interest
The source of the Vinalopó River
The Vinalopó River is not a large river, but it is important because of its role in the province. Although it borns in the province of Valencia, it immediately enters Alicante, where it runs almost entirely.
You have to get to the Sierra de Mariola, well known for its scenic value and traveled by mountain lovers, to find the place where the river Vinalopó rises, in the Font de la Coveta, located between the municipalities of Bocairent and Banyeres de Mariola; in the past, Font dels Brulls, which is now dry, was considered as its source.
The Salt and the Racó de Bonaventura-Canalons
This simple itinerary, about 5 km long but without any difficulty for anyone to follow, allows you to discover these two spectacular landscapes that are little known at a regional level, but spectacular, within the province of Alicante.
In addition, we will be able to enjoy beautiful corners with fountains, waterfalls, pools, reservoirs and backwaters along the Barxell River and pass under the impressive viaduct of the Seven Moons of the Polop River.
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